The indistructible 15 kW inverter that Mike made for the museum and specifications.
It is hard to estimate the weight of this inverter. It’s probably, around 300 kgr !
Apart from all those thick wires that you see, it contains some really heavy duty and expensive power mosFets, 15 identical transformers, wound by Mike, big heatsinks, big fuses and electronic circuitry, designed and built by Mike. The supply cables handle 1250 Amperes with insignificant Voltage drop at maximum output. Mike tells me that one of the tests he performed after building it, was to short circuit the output with a 2.5 mm2 piece of copper cable, which of course evaporated !
Vin: 11- 15 Volts D.C.
Vout: 235 Volts A.C. / 50Hz
Pout: 15 kW (continuous)
Ppeak: 20 kW
Iquiescent: 16 A
Efficiency: 95% at 7.5 kW (half power)
Waveform: Modified sinewave (almost square)
Vcut off >15.1V & <10.9V automatic recover at 13 V for low voltage and 15 V for high voltage.