The power generating plant of the museum.
250 photovoltaic panels of 80 Watts rating, on the south roof of the museum. Total maximum output is 20 kW. It supplies with power the Museum, Radio Caroline 2, and two houses. 120 kWh...
250 photovoltaic panels of 80 Watts rating, on the south roof of the museum. Total maximum output is 20 kW. It supplies with power the Museum, Radio Caroline 2, and two houses. 120 kWh...
It is hard to estimate the weight of this inverter. It’s probably, around 300 kgr ! Apart from all those thick wires that you see, it contains some really heavy duty and expensive power...
Ο Captain Joe αναλαμβάνει την επισκευή των χαλασμένων φωτοβολταϊκών σας πάνελ με 30 € (μαζί με το Φ.Π.Α.) Προσοχή: Αν είναι πεσμένη η απόδοση των φωτοβολταϊκών σας, δεν μπορώ να την επανορθώσω, εκτός αν οφείλεται σε...